Happy Science Update

Did you order it? | “R. A. Goal’s Words for the Future” is available now
Believe it or not, we are being watched by beings from outer space. Some of them try to attack us while others are protecting and guiding us, and R. A. Goal is one of the latter.
New Episode of Okawa Book Club
Trump Shall Never Die
Discussion on one of the latest Spiritual Interview Series by Ryuho Okawa, Trump Shall Never Die: His Determination to Come Back.

Playlist | HSNY 100 FAQ’s
Have you seen our latest uploads to Happy Science New York? We have a growing list of FAQ’s for you to share. It should help clear up any questions you or others may have about Happy Science. There will be many more videos to come!
Playlist | Freedom, Democracy, & Faith
Another new playlist from Happy Science shares lecture excerpts from Master Okawa about freedom, democracy, and faith. Those principles are needed to clear away the totalitarian and communist regimes which suppress faith and religion. These are the words of the Savior who has come to save the people, not only in Heaven, but also in this world.