"Before the Sunset" Movie Reviews

And messages from the movie

“I am speechless. Had to cry more than once. What an amazingly beautiful movie.” – Viewer

“To rate this movie below ten would be a great injustice. In a world where love is deemed on the external, the movie went to the very soul where true love outpours.” – Viewer

“Bittersweet movie about what makes a life rich and having no regrets. Kept me interested beginning to end.” – Viewer

“A beautiful production which prompted reflection on love, prioritizations, and decisions made in life. I believe that watching this movie can help one to have less regret in the future.” – Viewer

“It’s about Regret/Remorse of what we should have done better or differently, or wish have not done, or longing to undo our mistakes. Because Remorse/Regrets could become the significant emotional aspect of the afterlife, instead of enjoying Love that has no bounds, and growth in our eternal journey called LIFE. That includes: BECOME Unconditional Love, Nurturing, and Forgive others. So, at the end of ones life cycle, be at peace and grateful to have a complete life, where mistakes – self and of others – were great lessons learned.” – Viewer

We all have different regrets in life, whether it be work or family-related. The main character in the movie also felt this way because he lived his life chasing success and overlooking love. Love is a very important quality for humanity and must not be forgotten. Here, let us introduce two things to keep in mind so that you can reevaluate your life and not live a life of regret.

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