At the beginning of the lecture, the Lord said, “I believe that this lecture will be just as difficult as the recent lecture ‘“Now, here, Elohim is thinking about.” This lecture is extremely important because Lord El Cantare, The Modern Messiah, has given us a global guideline for the issues humankind is facing now.
It is recommended for all members, those who listened the lecture “Now, here, Elohim is thinking about.”, and those who have made a connection through our activities.
“Now, here, Elohim is thinking about.”
The Laws of Faith
Elohim’s Theme/Panguru’s Theme
A song celebrating Lord God
With Savior
Anyone can watch Master Okawa’s lecture, spiritual message or reading at a Happy Science location or temple. Contact us here so that we can help you locate your nearest temple or arrange an online viewing. (Suggested donation $20)