“Spiritual Messages from the Guardian Spirit of Biden / Spiritual Messages from the Guardian Spirit of Trump – The U.S. Strategy on Russia”

The gap is obvious! – The difference between the “Selfish Thinking” (Biden’s G.S.) and the “Big Picture Thinking” (Trump’s G.S)!

Biden’s guardian spirit has revealed the reason for attacking Russia while Trump’s guardian spirit watches the world from a big-picture perspective. It’s recommended to those who want to know the future world situation, for those who have read the Novel “The Unknown Stigma” “The Unknown Stigma 2 ” and supporters of the Happiness Realization Party, etc.

Furthermore, the Kyouten, “The Laws Of Messiah,” and *the Novel “The Unknown Stigma” *the Novel “The Unknown Stigma 2 ” (*Scheduled to be released in English soon) are recommended.

Spiritual Messages from the Guardian Spirit of Biden
◆He doesn’t want the Novel “The Unknown Stigma” and the Novel “The Unknown Stigma 2 ” to be published. Why?

◆He is considering himself as “God of America”. What is the selfish grounds for that?

◆What “guarantees” democracy? “Panem et circenses”?

Spiritual Messages from the Guardian Spirit of Trump

◆Is Mr. Biden jealous of Mr. Putin?

◆The enemy is not Russia, but China! – The approach to solve the problem.


Through listening to both sides, it’s obvious their way of thinking has a great difference. G.S of Biden is a coward and G.S of Trump is thinking about world justice. (50’s Male)

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