Biden’s guardian spirit has revealed the reason for attacking Russia while Trump’s guardian spirit watches the world from a big-picture perspective. It’s recommended to those who want to know the future world situation, for those who have read the Novel “The Unknown Stigma” “The Unknown Stigma 2 ” and supporters of the Happiness Realization Party, etc.
Furthermore, the Kyouten, “The Laws Of Messiah,” and *the Novel “The Unknown Stigma” *the Novel “The Unknown Stigma 2 ” (*Scheduled to be released in English soon) are recommended.
Spiritual Messages from the Guardian Spirit of Biden
◆He doesn’t want the Novel “The Unknown Stigma” and the Novel “The Unknown Stigma 2 ” to be published. Why?
◆He is considering himself as “God of America”. What is the selfish grounds for that?
◆What “guarantees” democracy? “Panem et circenses”?
Spiritual Messages from the Guardian Spirit of Trump
◆Is Mr. Biden jealous of Mr. Putin?
◆The enemy is not Russia, but China! – The approach to solve the problem.
Through listening to both sides, it’s obvious their way of thinking has a great difference. G.S of Biden is a coward and G.S of Trump is thinking about world justice. (50’s Male)
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