“Spiritual Message from the Guardian Spirit of Joshua Wong”

What is happening in Hong Kong now? Guardian Spirit of Joshua Wong’s wish

【Who is Joshua Wong? 〔October 13, 1996~ (age 25〕】

Social activist in Hong Kong.
He is a Christian and has been involved in church social activities since childhood.
2014: Played a central role in Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protests, the Umbrella Revolution.
2016:Founded the political party Hong Kong Shushi (Democisto) with Agnes Ting Chow and others, and served as its first secretary general.
June 2019:Participated in a demonstration against the amendment of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance.
February 2021:Was indicted under the Maintenance of Hong Kong National Security Law.
Currently imprisoned.

Joshua Wong’s guardian spirit came to appeal to Japan to stand up for peace in Asia, and the party leader Shaku’s guardian spirit talks about what is needed to counter China’s materialistic state, while accepting Joshua Wong’s opinion as a religious leader.

【Specifically Recommended to…】

Not only the members of Happy Science but also those who are interested in Hong Kong issue, supporters or HRP, those who are related to politics and economics, etc.

Spiritual Message from Joshua Wong

◆Bookstores, the democracy movements, and partisans were all banned.
――What is the current state that activists face and what feelings do they hold?

◆What does the guardian spirit of Joshua Wong think about Japan now? And how does he want Japan to take action?


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“The Laws Of Messiah”

“The Reason We Are Here”

“Hong Kong Revolution -Spiritual Messages of the Guardian Spirits of Xi Jinping and Agnes Chow Ting-“

“Spiritual Interview with the Guardian Spirit of Joshua Wong”

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