In this spiritual message, R. A. Goal gave us important messages such as the guiding principles to change the course of the Earth itself and to build a nation and a world that accepts the heart of God, as well as messages to Happy Science. Let us spread this important messages to the world not only to the Happy Science members but also to as many people as possible.
◆What will happen to the coronavirus pandemic? – How effective is the vaccine? What are the conditions to end the pandemic?
◆What are his (R.A. Goal) ideas about the “Biden administration”? What is his thoughts to the double crisis in the U.S.?
◆How will China act in the future? Is there a threat of war?
◆The path Japan should take and the future of the Earth. What should we do?
◆A surprising secret of the R. A. Goal’s soul is revealed!
Anyone can watch Master Okawa’s lecture, spiritual message or reading at a Happy Science location or temple. Contact us here so that we can help you locate your nearest temple or arrange an online viewing. (Suggested donation $20)