In commemoration of the publication of “The Uknown Stigma 1,” Master Ryuho Okawa and Shio Okawa (Aide to Master) recorded a talk session. In the talk session it reveals the reason why the main character was going through a severe trial and the reason of the cross. This commemoration talk will deepen your understanding of the true meaning of the story. It’s recommended to those who like literature, those who are religious and etc.
Furthermore, the Kyouten, “The Laws Of Messiah,” and other novels written by Master Ryuho Okawa are recommended, “The Unknown Stigma 2 [Resurrection],” “The Unknown Stigma 3 [The Universe]”. (“The Unknown Stigma” series will be available in English and other languages.)
◆Why did Master Ryuho Okawa started writing novels?
◆What is missing in the modern “detective stories” that are popular in this world?
◆Why was the main character involved in the incident?
――The reasons that relates to Christianity.
◆The meaning about passion, the cross, and the resurrection in Christianity.
◆”There are two ways to become a sacred woman”
――Who is the “Jesus’s bride” that devotes her life to God?
I wasn’t able to interpret various episodes just by reading it once, but with Master’s explanation on the novel, I was able to deepen my understanding. (40s Male)
I was able to very much enjoy the novel by knowing the reasons why Master Ryuho Okawa wrote this novel.(30s Female)
Anyone can watch Master Okawa’s lecture, spiritual message or reading at a Happy Science location or temple. Contact us here so that we can help you locate your nearest temple or arrange an online viewing. (Suggested donation $20)