El Cantare is the Lord, Buddha and Savior. He is the supreme God of the terrestrial spirit group who has the highest authority over the planet Earth and is directly connected to the Primordial Buddha or Primordial God – the Creator of the whole universe. Lord El Cantare has supreme authority both in Heaven and on this Earth and is the great spiritual being in whom God and Buddha are united. Lord El Cantare resides in the ninth dimension (Cosmic realm) of the Spirit World and is a leader among other highly evolved spirits, such as Jesus Christ, Moses, Confucius and others, who are known as Angels, Archangels, Tathagatas, and Bodhisattvas. Lord El Cantare is Lord of all people, transcending all races, borders and even this planet.
El Cantare is the origin of life
Lord El Cantare is the origin of life on Earth and has been guiding humanity since the very beginning. He has sent down to Earth such great teachers (saviors and messiahs) as Jesus Christ, Moses, Mohammed, Confucius, Socrates and guided them from the heavenly world. Lord El Cantare is the being whom Jesus called “Father” and Mohammed referred to as “Allah.” In the Old Testament El Cantare is known as Elohim, and he also represents the Tree of Life in the ancient legend of “The Tree of Life.”
Reincarnations of the El Cantare consciousness
Lord El Cantare has also sent down parts of his own consciousness – brother souls – to guide humanity in the right direction at the most important times in history. El Cantare’s brother souls who have been born to Earth in the last twenty thousand years are:
- Ra Mu – 17,000 years ago on the Mu continent
- Thoth – 12,000 years ago in Atlantis
- Rient Arl Croud – 7,000 years ago in the Incan Empire
- Ophealis – 6,500 years ago in Greece
- Hermes – 4,300 years ago in Greece, Crete Island
- Gautama Siddhartha (Shakyamuni Buddha) – 2,500 years ago in India.
- Ryuho Okawa – present reincarnation of El Cantare
El Cantare’s name revealed to humanity for the first time
The existence of El Cantare has been revealed for the first time. This has long been the secret of heaven… untill today, when communication and advancements in information and trasnportation technology continues to bring the world closer. As the world population swells towards ten billion, the time has noce come to reveal the Truth about the supreme God of this Earth, how he has led humankind from the very beginning and how he intends to guide people now and into the future. It is the time to unify the world under the name of one God – Lord El Cantare.
The mission of Lord El Cantare
The mission of Lord El Cantare is to bring salvation to all living creatures through the worldwide revelation of the Truth. El Cantare’s role is twofold: one side is represented by the Nyorai Amida (The Savior), which consists of love, compassion, and faith; the other side is represented by the Nyorai Mahavairocana (The Essence of Buddha), which is enlightenment, spiritual learning, and the secret knowledge of the spiritual domain. Lord El Cantare has a mission to reorganize the high spirits in heaven, while also integrating all the various religions on Earth to create a new world religion. He has a mission to gather all the people of the world into this new faith, to see the development of a new civilization, and so herald the advent of a new age for the world. Lord El Cantare is the greatest being responsible for the planet Earth and everyone who lives in this age is witnessing a miracle, which happens only once in hundreds of thousands of years.
Learn more about Ryuho Okawa