July 7th Celebration
of the
Lord's Descent

July 7th, 1956 at 7am was the moment Master Ryuho Okawa was born.
It is also the historic moment when the core consciousness of the Creator, Lord El Cantare, came down to Earth for the third time in Earth’s history. This day is an annual celebration. All are invited to come and give thanks for this miraculous event that allows people of all faiths and nations to know how they have always been loved, have guidance on how to be happy, and open the way to the future.

The characteristic of El Cantare:
Combining mysticism and rationalism

The duality of mysticism and rationalism is a characteristic of El Cantare. El Cantare has this duality because here we find a fundamental way of thinking with regard to the activities of all life on Earth.

El Cantare wishes to make life on Earth a meaningful experience for humans, so He provides philosophies that are realistic and practical for life on Earth. However, to prevent people from being absorbed by worldly matters and completely denying the other world, El Cantare also provides something of the mystical or occult as an opposing value.

That is why El Cantare expresses both of these facets in this world. Spiritual abilities or supernatural phenomena are fundamentally supposed to be hidden, but displaying them occasionally serves to shake people’s reason. When people become too enamored by reason, they think only of this world and so spiritual phenomena, miracles, or other mysterious incidents take place every now and again to shake their reason.

– Master Ryuho Okawa
From The Mystical Laws
“The being now called “El Cantare” was Alpha – the Creator of Earth – and Elohim – the One who established justice in this world – and now, He is trying to fight against the final crisis of Earth. Please establish this faith.”
– Master Ryuho Okawa
The Laws of Hell
“In spite of the hardship,
The Savior has come.”
– Master Ryuho Okawa
From the Original Song
“The Savior Has Come”

Victory and Completion

In the resurrection prayers we are conducting daily now, we are learning that the Lord foresaw that the age of crisis would come and descended to earth to save us. July 7th 7am, or “777” means “God’s Victory and Completion.” The day of the Lord’s descent, the God of the Earth and Primordial Buddha of the Universe – the Creator Himself – was a declaration of Victory. Indeed, it has led to so many thousands of books worth of His teachings. Whatever shrouds a person’s heart from seeing the Truth and Light in His words are just frost before the sun. The battle is already half won, for all we need to do is follow Him and build the future upon His words.

Please visit your local temple July 7th and the following Sunday to give thanks, celebrate the Lord’s Descent, and pray for His Resurrection.