"Words to Read in Times of Illness"

Master Ryuho Okawa's 100 Healing Messages of Light to comfort and heal those going through any illness,
whether they are in bed at home or in the hospital.

“Times of Illness are days of rest for the soul.”

“Reflect on the harmony between your mind and body”

“Be thankful to the many people who have made you who you are today.”

“The joy of being able to love others. The Joy of being able to make peace with someone you hated.”

As part of our year-end campaign, we have a special offer for those who order books on irhpress.com. From today until December 31st, anyone who places an order for any book will receive a special link to access ‘Words to Read in Times of Illness’ recitation and meditation videos.

Book Spotlight
Words to Read in Times of Illness

This book is Master Ryuho Okawa’s 100 Healing Messages of Light to comfort and heal those going through any illness, whether they are in bed at home or in the hospital. Knowing first-hand that at such times one doesn’t have the energy to read, Master Okawa condensed his message to 100 sentences, each written on a single page. Though short, the power of each sentence to heal any hurt is immediately felt.

Illness is not a punishment; rather, we are given time to reflect on our way of thinking and life. Master Okawa indicates that when we are ill, it is an ideal time for us to recall and contemplate recent and past events, as well as our relationship with people around us. It is a chance for us to take inventory of our emotions and thoughts buried during our busy everyday life. When we discover overlooked blessings and reasons for gratitude, a healing of our physical body begins as well.

This book is not only an ideal gift for those suffering from illness but it also inspires gratitude and greater motivation for those enjoying good health too. It allows us to remember and ponder on how simply having a healthy body is in itself a great gift to human beings.

Contact your local temple for more information.