The Art of Influence #9 – Koan Contemplation Seminar. Become a new you who can influence more people around you!
The Art of Influence #9
Sunday April 14th 1pm-2:30pm
Koan Contemplation Seminar
In this Koan contemplative seminar, we’ll deeply contemplate on how much we’ve been IN control of our minds (emotions/thoughts), or UNDER our mind’s control. You can either be a slave to your emotions, or be the king of your thoughts. Happiness is, solely, in the palm of your hand.
In Buddhism, there are three steps in achieving Wisdom: (1) listen to the Truth, (2) contemplate on the Truth, (3) practice the truth. By going through these steps, you’ll be able to acquire the teachings at a deep level in your soul, which then becomes a part of your new value.
Please join this seminar to become a new you who can influence more people around you so you can spread love and wisdom more and more and help create a Buddhaland Utopia.
($10 suggested offering)
Attend in person at Happy Science New York temple
Or join on Zoom. Request for passcode here
RSVP to attend!

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