Gratitude to Parents Reflection

Gratitude to Parents Reflection Seminar at New York Temple (EST)

This is a self-reflection seminar, diving deep into the memories of you and your parents, designed to help you reframe and truly understand the love of your parents.

Based on “The Sutra for Giving Thanks to Parents for Their Great Love,” a mystical sutra by Master Ryuho Okawa, the spiritual light in these words helps us remember the small actions of the love of our parents which we have overlooked as children.

Through this seminar you will be able to…

  • See your childhood and parents in a completely different light
  • Be released from the feeling of not being enough
  • Be someone of real and deep gratitude, no matter the circumstances you may be in
  • Connect to a pure and boundless inner vitality for life and work
  • Furthermore, you will be able to deepen your understanding of why you chose your parents and the environment you were born in, and feel the great, compassion and mercy of El Cantare – the Creator – flowing through it all.

Seminar length: 4 hours

Suggested donation: $100

The seminar will be conducted mainly in silent contemplation with videos from Master Okawa and explanations from the minister. Reach out to us if you would like to speak to the minister to deepen your self-reflection.

Highly recommended to everyone at least once in their lives. Especially to those who suffer from trauma or past negative experiences.

For more details please read more on this seminar here or contact New York temple.


Mar 27 2021


Time zone: EST
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm



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Happy Science New York Temple
Manhattan, New York City


Happy Science New York Temple
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